AI & mRNA to cure cancer?
Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle Corporation, is suggesting an AI application in a field in which he is unqualified to promise. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a 30-year vaccine scientist, knows better!
Chew thoroughly before you swallow.
There are some things you should take “with a grain of salt” and Larry Ellison’s statements about the future of cancer treatments is one of them.
I don’t doubt that Artificial Intelligence advances, when applied to disease treatments, is one of the great promises of AI. However, the mRNA technology platform, as a treatment delivery mechanism, gives me serious pause.
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is right to alert the public with serious caution for using mRNA tech to treat cancer.
Read his post to protect yourself from misinformation, disinformation, fake news, insidious propaganda, slight-of-hand regulatory magic, and outright lies.
A persona story.
My father-in-law, David, succumbed to cancer in 2018 after an 8-year battle. The early drug treatments worked ok until the didn’t, then another drug regimen took its place until it eventually failed too. Near the end, experimental drugs, available under FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), were used and understood not to save his life but extend it by possibly weeks or a few months.
David was also likely part of the clinical trials for his EUA treatments. Experimental research needs its human Guinea pigs to determine efficacy and safety, and he likely complied willingly. Since David lived with my wife and I in his final year, we were witness to his suffering from the disease and likely from the severe EUA drug side effects. He eventual took MAiD as his best treatment to end his suffering on his terms.
Larry Ellison is not a physician or vaccine research scientist.
I suspect that Larry has no real understanding of the complexity of the human immune system or the enigmatic origins and progression of cancer disease processes.
Ellison’s claims of cancer cures “coming soon” from AI are about as wild as if he said AI can prevent all climate-related catastrophes in the near future.
Ellison is a tech billionaire many times over.
Through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates has made significant investments in global vaccine programs, lobbied and advocated for vaccine development and distribution, and spoken often about the cost-effectiveness of vaccines as public health interventions according to Today, he is among the world’s wealthiest men. Apparently he found long ago that there is more money and profit in vaccines than in selling copies of Microsoft Office and Windows 98.
Has Ellison has become a convert to the Gates formula for reaching the pinnacle of wealth immortality?
Consider these facts.
AI depends heavily on data and Oracle is one of the world’s largest vendor of Database Technology. (For Fiscal Year 2023 (ended May 31, 2023), Total Revenue: $49.95 billion and Net Income: $8.5 billion).
As of early 2024, Larry Ellison's net worth is estimated to be around $140-150 billion, making him one of the wealthiest people in the world. ( reports)
Is the gold medal for global wealth within his reach?
If Larry “chums the waters” with claims of cancer cures, and if he partners with Big Pharma mRNA vaccine manufacturers, I can just imaging how much his Net Worth will grow in the years ahead.
But hey, I am no Oracle, so please don’t take by predictions to the bank!