Libertarians are famous for saying that “taxation is theft”. Do you agree?
“Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.” - H. L. Mencken
By the Numbers
According to the Debt Clock (www dot debtclock dot ca), here is what every Ontario citizen owes.
Federal Debt: $1.172 trillion
$31,840 is your share
Ontario Debt: $462 billion
$30,769 is your share
Combined, your share of public debt is $62,609
Think about it.
Every child born in Ontario begins life with $62,609 of debt! Only after age 18 will he or she finally have the right to vote on the morality of this inherited debt.
By age 18, however, it’s too late. Every child will have been brainwashed by government schools and state-subsidized media organizations to ensure that he or she will never question losing nearly 50% of their earnings every year to monopoly enterprises run by governments.
Why Does It Keep Growing?!
About 88% of tax revenues goes to pay the wages and benefits of government employees. Over 75% of these employees are required to be members of public sector labour unions that exist solely to increase those wages and benefits by coercive means. Who defends the taxpayer against the steady growth in the size, scope of authority and cost of our tax-dependent public sector?
Between age 18 and end-of-life, every voter will be presented with the platforms of 4 major political parties every 4 years at the federal and provincial levels. Those parties will only feature more government programs that are guaranteed to incur more public spending and higher levels of public debt. As history has shown, the Liberals or Conservatives inevitably win those elections and public debt has never stopped growing.
Debt Slavery is real in Canada
The Fraser Institute points out this fact every year. If the Canadian public truly cared about this immoral theft, a Less Government Libertarian majority would have been elected long ago.
Evidently, few citizens care…