Disaster Capitalism
Naomi Klein described this strategy in The Shock Doctrine. Dr. Robert Malone writes about it and expresses his preference for Capitalism based on Austrian Economics. An excellent article is linked.
Its best that you read Malone’s Substack article to get the full impact of the Disaster strategies discussed. This will give you a glimpse into the article:
Disaster Capitalism refers to the phenomenon where corporations, governments, and financial institutions exploit crises, such as natural disasters, wars, or economic downturns, to further their own interests and profits. In some cases, these events are naturally occurring; in others, they are intentionally created or may involve a combination of both natural and artificial causes. During the first two years of the COVIDcrisis, many speculated that this series of events was another example of Disaster Capitalism in progress. In retrospect, it is hard to deny that the ensuing cascade of events, documented lies, apparently intentional mismanagement, and massive upward wealth transfer represented a classic case of “Disaster Capitalism” as defined by Klein.
The Great Reset
The latest example of a contrived manifestation of Disaster Capitalism was the COVIDcrisis. I prefer the term Disaster Cronyism because the entire “crisis” was launched, propagated, orchestrated, perpetuated, enforced, and broadcast incessantly by corporate (Big Pharma), governments at every level and in every department, and the mainstream media. All three Crony sectors were involved as enablers and co-conspirators: Crony Capitalism, Crony Socialist and Crony Statist.
I don’t expect everyone to agree with my take on topics like this. Every person has his or her life lens on ‘reality’ as they experience it in their own unique way.
I like the way Dr. Robert Malone thinks and treats his subject matter.
He writes about the important topics of our era, and he writes factually and very credibly.
Threats against humanity like those enacted under slogans like “Build Back Better” and its promise that “you will own nothing and be happy” are among the most important concerns that humanity faces today. The Climate Change Crisis Theory does not belong in even the top 100 concerns today, yet it continues to be foist upon us by all Agents of Cronyism.
How do we stop them when the Agents of Cronyim hold all of the power?
Not disaster capitalism but neoliberal communist capitalism