END the Party System?
The Party System in or “electoral democracy” has been criticized many times in the past, and for good reason. Election Reform is always a hot topic. Is a Direct Democracy System preferable?
Politics - a “dirty game”.
A friend was thinking about running as a candidate in the provincial election, but after a good night’s sleep, decided against it.
We are both familiar with political parties and their “dirty side”. The Direct Democracy system practiced in Switzerland seems better to both of us notwithstanding the saying: “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely”. From this perspective, can the position of provincial Premier represent “absolute power?” Could decentralization of that power reduce the amount of “corruption” that may tempt our government representatives?
A Hypothetical ‘Direct Democracy’ Scenario
Imagine if 124 Independent political candidates were elected to sit in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (LAO) after March 1, 2025. Let’s consider what would might mean for the voters of Ontario:
Every elected INDEPENDENT MPP would be ONLY accountable to the citizens of their riding who entrusted them to represent them in the LAO. There would be no Party leader and no Party whip to tell them how to vote on bills. Now would they be obligated to speak and act to the in ways that demonstrate more loyalty to the Party over their own constituents.
This is better than “proportional representation” by political parties. Results will come the cooperation between INDEPENDENT MPPs with common interests and priorities. For example, projects and other efforts would be launched and participated by only those with common goals for their ridings. They would not be restricted the “one-size-fits-all” policies of a Party ‘priorities’ that often benefit some privileged ridings at the expense of all others. In other words, the decentralization of political action to serve unique, local needs would not need approval from Doug Ford’s leadership team in order to proceed. In addition to using frequent referenda and plebiscites, Switzerland has practiced this type of Direct Democracy for over 400 years.
I am a supporter of the Stronach Foundation for Economic Rights which promotes 7 policy ideas that are good for Canadians. As an INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE in a provincial election, there is nothing to stop me from sharing Stronach’s brochure with our local citizens to showcase some of the best ideas for my constituents. No Party literature is needed.
All media activities will focus on local messaging over the kind of province-wide campaigns that political parties require. This will increase the emphasis on policy ideas that are directly relevant to riding constituents. Given that there are 124 unique Ontario ridings, it makes more sense to invest the majority of campaign messaging to local voters rather than the province-wide, broad-brush, political rhetoric of today.
Leadership in the LAO could be my internal election and even better, established on a rotating basis. The LAO would elect its own chairperson and leadership board to coordinate its responsibilities. These leaders could served for six months at a time, to be replaced by other MPPs to ensure participation by many of elected representatives. The concept of one Party leader, one Premier, would no longer apply. Internal “party politics” would disappear.
Calling an unnecessary election 16 months early
would not the happening.
I could go on, but this is a good start to taking a closer look at Party Politics in light of its criticisms and the possibilities for Electoral Reform.
You can also end the party system using direct democracy and a digital system like this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/how-to-fix-corrupt-government-in
Direct democracy and a digital town hall is the way. We write about this all of the time.
BUT....How do you keep AI and BOTs out of direct democracy? You use collective swarm intelligence and transparent systems.
Like so: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/keep-ai-and-bots-out-of-our-systems