Former Leader of the Ontario Libertarian Party Has Died
Allen Small may be gone but not forgotten. Like all great men on history, Allen’s achievements are etched indelibly in time by all those who knew, loved and appreciated his gifts to humanity.
Allen Small led the Ontario Libertarian Party for nearly 10 years.
Allen earned the legacy as the Party’s most successful Leader in its history. He died on Labour Day.
I met Allen 2007 when I joined the Ontario Libertarian Party. Allen was a retired high school Science teacher who possessed many skills and qualities that enabled him to rise to the top of the Party quickly.
In the ensuing years, I came to know him through Party functions, monthly Executive Committee meetings and election campaigns. Our working relationship became more involved when I was elected as Chairman for the Party in 2017. We promptly formed a Campaign Team to prepare for the 2018 Ontario Provincial election.
Inspired by Allen’s wisdom, intelligence, understanding, friendly manner and leadership, our OLP Campaign Team fielded 116 candidates for Ontario’s 124 ridings, the Canadian record for a Libertarian election. This achievement enabled over 90% of Ontario’s voters to have a Less Government Libertarian option on their election ballot.
Allen stepped down as Leader in late 2018. His cancer diagnosis came in 2019. Allen and I continued to share many long, laughter-filled conversations until as late as a month ago. We discussed politics, economics, Covid, vaccines, climate change, family, fellow Libertarians, election campaigns, and more. I will really miss those conversations and his friendship.
The picture shows Allen with his newly elect OLP Executive Committee minutes after their (re-) election at the 2017 Annual General Meeting.
Allen is third from the left holding the sign with Scott Marshall (Campaign Director). I am third from the right. Jim McIntire (CFO) stands between Scott and I. Scott, Jim and I comprised the core campaign team that did the major share of the work to help Allen achieve his most successful election results as OLP Leader. Mark Snow, the current OLP Leader, is showed on the far right.
May Allen Rest In Peace and remain in our thoughts.