Housing in Kawartha Lakes
An email invited me to participate in a survey to share my views on housing within the City of Kawartha Lakes. Usually I consider such surveys as a waste of time, but I responded anyway…
Understanding Housing Needs
Help create a community where everyone can find a safe, affordable place to live.
Source: https://jumpinkawarthalakes.ca/housing
Michelle Corley, Human Services Manager, Housing, is listening …
The title of the survey, Shape the Future of Housing in Kawartha Lakes & Haliburton County, clearly expresses good intentions, as did the opening two paragraphs …
“The City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County invite residents to help shape the region’s Housing and Homelessness Strategy. By sharing firsthand experiences and insights in a survey, community members can inform policies that improve housing affordability, stability, and inclusion.
This page provides information about the survey’s purpose, the process, and next steps, ensuring everyone can understand how their input will drive meaningful change.”
My advice to Michelle.
In response to Michelle’s many survey questions, I summarize my main recommendations below.
Eliminate all taxes that burden home builders to create affordable housing beginning with carbon taxes.
Eliminate all bylaws and regulations that unnecessarily burden home builders to create affordable housing. Begin with carbon taxes.
Lobby the provincial and federal governments on our behalf to eliminate the same as above. Declare that concern for CKL’s residents, farms and business operators must always take priority over matters of provincial, federal a global politics.
Revise the City’s strategy and operating plans to annually reduce by 5% the size, cost and scope of authorities until 2030. If the Growth Management Strategy (GMS) Task Force can create a plan to include 2051, surely a CKL Size Reduction Strategy is well within the City’s ability is City Council would approve it to show they are serious about their obligation to put constituents first.
Why do government surveys, like this one, never acknowledge the very significant part that governments play in creating the very problems about which they claim to be so concerned?
Our families matter.
Dear Michelle. I have a daughter, son-in-law and grandson living in Ontario. Like nearly everyone I know with similar circumstances, it’s our extended family members who face the unprecedented housing, energy, and cost of living challenges.
Is Political Theatre your game?
After making several deputations and sending numerous messages to City Council, I feel my voice has been steadfastly ignored and, worse, disrespected by some. From this experience, it seems to me that …
… the AGENDAs have already been set long ago within the halls of government power, and that
… surveys like this, and all of the roles played by CKL’s elected representatives, only serve as “political theatre” to convince constituents that they still live in a democracy.
I have no confidence in any politician or non-elected regulation enforcer that they take our concerns seriously.
Perhaps, Michelle, you actually care about people,
DO YOU POSSESS THE WILL and the influence to make housing affordable, along with food, energy and entrepreneurship?
These scumbags are puppets of the globalists cabul WEF's agenda 2030...you need to gather all constituents and crush these municipal members who are wef puppets
Those are really great ideas. It’s criminal. What is happening to the Canadian taxpayer what is wrong with people who approve these laws without debate don’t they realize that they are contributing to inflation
these people all need to start working for Canadians instead of against Canadian