I am not “broken”.
Collectivist thinking is one of my “pet peeves”. We are all guilty of it from time to time but I like to think that I am not as those who always virtue signal that they “serve the greater good”.
Trish Wood writes:
“We are a broken people having suffered for years under a brutal government that locks up peaceful protestors, trashes the economy and insults average citizens through a deliberate campaign of abuse and othering.”
Dear Trish.
Your words above begin with the royal we, a collective term, then you describe us universally as “victims”. This language of collective victimology is unbecoming for someone like you who urges each one of us to think critically. For the record, I am not a “victim” but a survivor.
Unlike you, I DO NOT identify as a “proud Canadian” (the phrase is too collectivist for me). Like you, I hate what the power elites have done to me, and to the people about whom I care the most. However, I do not care for every Canadian because many are part of the problem.
In fact, I resent, and have no respect for, every person who ever voted for the politicians and public policies that have drown their neighbours in higher taxes, more public debt, a panoply of “free stuff”, and hundreds of thousands of totalitarian regulations for which hordes of “public servants” are charged with their unjust and inflexible enforcement.
For every person who was so superficial and selfish as to vote for Justin Trudeau because of his “sunny ways”, nice socks, youthful good looks (LOL), ‘free stuff’ promises, famous dad, and his nice-sounding but ‘say nothing’ speeches, I want no association with them collectively or otherwise.
I have advocated and voted for Less Government since 1979 consistently, knowledgeably and passionately.
Every woke, Marxist progressive who has ever voted (and not repented) to keep me in his or her ideological jail against my choice and my will, is no friend of mine.
Trish, your comments about Pierre Poilievre surprised me.
I have seen and heard you express distrust towards Pierre Poilievre. This is your right, although it makes me scratch my head in wonder.
Sometimes, you seem to be critical of people for one or two missteps according to your personal expectations. This was evident in your judgements of Pierre in the Jordan Peterson interview. You were disappointed that he did not try to litigate all of Justin’s past sins and, instead, chose to portray a positive vision for Canadian voters to consider. He played his cards well, IMHO, during that interview.
Besides, Pierre is the only political candidate who has any chance of obtaining power in Ottawa, and who is actively and aggressively campaigning to reverse the many sins of Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh at a critical time in Canadian history.
Will Pierre be able to live up to his vision for Canada? Unlikely. He is not a god.
Pierre is merely a man who shows more courage and commitment than any of the millions of Canadians who play “armchair quarterback” in the most complex and thankless game of all: NATIONAL POLITICS.
Pierre also wisely states that he cannot accomplish any of it without the help of Canadians who care.
Trish. Vote as you wish, but …
Please do not dismiss or disparage Pierre on your show for not living up to your personal expectations of his political campaign strategy. I believe he knows what he is doing and it seems to be working.
For me personally,
Pierre is currently the best hope that Conservative-Libertarians like me have to see a real shift AWAY from radical, nihilistic progressivism and TOWARDS some form of quasi-libertarian democratic nationalism.
I hope that Pierre’s election to form a majority Conservative government in Ottawa may finally provide some partial answers to many of your prayers.
I like Max too, but he is light years away from power in Ottawa at the current time.
AND PLEASE, do me a favour.
Whenever you catch yourself making “royal we” statements, include the following rider:
“… with the exception of Gene Balfour and all of the independent critical thinkers like Gene who has never voted for any part of the radical, nihilistic progressivism that plagues Canada today.”
Thanks Trish for all you have done to promote critical thinking among Canadians. I remain a paid subscriber because of all the great guests you have introduced to me on your show and the many thought-provoking topics discussed.
Keep it coming!