Incentives Matter
The evolution of money, its purpose and nature, is a fascinating study viewed through the lens of human history. Bitcoin is the latest way to store human energy for exchanges with others.
So True.
I saw the following sentence today which, for me, put a finger on a truth about trust.
“After all, no man is better than his incentives, but 2+2 always equals 4, therefore mathematics is more trustworthy than any individual or institution and thus serves as the foundational language of global civilization.”
Robert Breedlove, host of the What Is Money podcast.
In the same email that the above quote appeared wax the following statement which was make by the renown spokesman of the World Economic Forum:
“Bitcoin is a currency of distrust…This is unfortunate, for the whole purpose of money is to create trust between strangers…What is the function of the financial system? Finance creates trust…Bitcoin is basically a return to gold, electronic gold. It assumes that we shouldn’t trust human institutions and shouldn’t allow them to create money at will.”
—Yuval Noah Harari, World Economic Forum spokesman
A crisis of declining TRUST!
At the most recent annual Davos Agenda held in January 2024 and hosted by the WEF, an urgent theme was to find ways to reverse the trend of declining trust by citizens in the WEF messages. As the WEF rose in notoriety over the past decade, founder Klaus Schwab and his merry tribe of political bigwigs, entertainment glitterati and corporate billionaires were captured on film arriving at Davos in private jets with their entourages of lackeys and hangers-on. Like the privileged Nexus pass holders who arrive at Toronto’s Pearson Airport able to bypass the long lines of would-be travellers to board their plane, I guess that those elite WEF members hold a similar pass for emitting copious levels of CO2 while traveling to the Davos event.
Can anyone tell me where I can get my CO2 Emissions Pass too?
What’s his gig?
Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli author, public intellectual, historian and professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem according to Wikipedia which also reveals him to be the author of popular science bestsellers that examine free will, consciousness, intelligence, happiness, and suffering. Somehow,
Yuval was chosen to be a well-recognized face of the WEF’s campaigns to “save the world from CO2 ‘pollution’”, to “Build Back Better” until you “own nothing but will be happy”, and that you can expect to worship at the alter of global institutions under a One World Order.
Sounds delightful. Where do I sign up?
The ebb of my assets. Let me count the ways.
After completing five years of university study in 1975, and earning and Honours Bachelar of Science degree in Kinesiology - the study of Human Performance, I would gladly pit my degree against Harari’s degrees in History when discussing the role of CO2 in human existence. In what universe am I to be held to the ill-informed historians about Climate Change. WEF-designated “experts” like Harari, and worse, like Greta Thunberg and Al Gore, are an embarrassment to the human species if they are “the best that humanity can offer” on topics like Climate Change and Bitcoin.
After a 43-year long career in the private sector after university, I am not retired and living from my life savings. This assets are under assault in too many obvious and insidious ways to documents on this short essays, but one thing is certain: all on them are imposed upon me without my approval but a sea of government perpetrators through taxation and regulations.
Like many Canadian retirees, I watch my spending and keep my fingers crossed that I don’t outlive my savings and find myself one of the many who will “own nothing and be grossly unhappy and resentful”.
Joseph F Rutherford founded the Jehovah’s Witness Christian denomination.
Did the WEF elites borrow elements of their vision from biblical sources?
Originally, only a "little flock" of 144,000 would be the only people to survive Armageddon. After 1932, Rutherford taught that in addition to the 144,000 anointed who would be resurrected—or transferred at death—to live in heaven to rule over earth with Christ, a separate class of members, the "great multitude", would live in a paradise restored on earth. From 1935, new converts to the movement were considered part of that class.
Source: Wikipedia
From the above teaching, one might conclude that there in not enough room in heaven to accommodate every human being who ever lived on Earth. I wonder if this is a similar constraint to the “have yachts” and “have nots” after the WEF succeeds on its One World Order vision for humanity. Where can I apply for that One World Order ‘Nexus pass’?
Needless to say, I do not intend to be counted among the WEF’s “have-not riffraff” while the likes of Harari, Thunberg and Gore “pollute” the planet with endless CO2-laden hot air. Lol.
Riffraff unite!
History lists many power regimes that have risen in power and influence only to come tumbling down like Humpty Dumpty. This has usually followed period of weak leadership when the ruling class is overwhelmed by a growing horde of unhappy, and even desperate, masses. Hopefully, humanity doesn’t wait until serious desperation takes hold.
It seems to me that the ideal of democracy has an Achilles Heel in that the “have nots” of modern society are too preoccupied with the priorities of daily life that little attention is paid to see or act upon the tyrannical threats that surround them. The pessimist in me does not see this changing in the near future, especially because there are too many citizens whose very livelihood is dependent upon the existence of big, generous governments.
Economics and Global Governance are evolving.
Men like Schwab and Harari claim that “shareholder capitalism is a failed economic experiment” and must be replaced by “stakeholder capitalism”. The latter is a modern version of communism but it is much more viable that Lenin’s version 100 years ago which did not enjoy the many advances of the modern Digital Age. With my strong background in Information Technology and Economics, I believe that a version on Digital Communism is not only possible, but inevitable. Witness what China is doing.
The emergence of Bitcoin as a superior form of money revealed the possibilities of digital technologies. It inspired the Central Bank Digital Currencies which central banks globally are rolling out as unobtrusively are possible to avoid frightening the citizenry.
CBDCs will enable elite government and central bank officials control the life blood of every economy.
The CBDC network will enable and monitor every trade transaction that will take place in the future at a level well beyond what exists today.
BIG BROTHER will the a fully digital AI avatar overseeing “ every breath you take and every you make, I”ll be watching you”.
The BIG questions are:
Who will be in charge?
What will their motives be?
Judging by the current public decline of trust in our political and governing leaders, it appears that there are crossroads ahead and the paths to be chosen are unknown.