Rising Consumer Prices - the REAL CULPRIT!
CBC journalists will never lay blame at the feet of their paymasters!
Inflation: who is responsible?
Port delays, warehouse storage issues, rail capacity and trucker labour shortages all contribute to the higher cost of living for Canadians as this CBC News article points out. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/consumer-prices-supply-chain-delays-1.6558371
One glaring omission to this story
The extent that government policies have been at the root cause of the many supply chain problems certainly deserves public attention in this CBC story. For example, who could ignore the fact that 2022 began with a nation-wide truckers protest against punitive vaccine mandates. This placed thousands of truckers and their rigs in the unforgivable position of having to fight for their rights and livelihoods instead of working.
Also, how many other workers in the rail, warehouse and port operations lost their jobs or were otherwise prevented from productively carrying out their work responsibilities due to Covid workplace restrictions and other state-mandated rules?
Government Responsibility
You may be wondering about the extent to which various levels of government have direct responsibility for the infrastructure and human capital employed by supply chain users. I did too.
At the Government Of Canada web site under Transport Canada, you will find the List of Canada Port Authorities by province and a description of their regulating bodies. Clearly, this level of government has a great deal to say about how our ports operate as vital links to getting imported products to consumers in a timely and least cost manner.
At the same website, under heading “Rail transportation”, the sentence “Safe and secure railways, railway operating certificates, incident reporting and investigations, shipping by rail.” introduces a section of ‘Services and information’ provides by federal authorities in this sector.
Also under Transport Canada, “Marine transformation” says to: “Licence, certify and register a vessel, safety and training, navigational aids, commercial vessels, pleasure craft.” This statement is followed a similar ‘Services and information’ sector to describe the roles played by the federal authorities on our waterways.
I could go on
I could also investigate the provincial, municipal and pro-union labour laws that place their massive legislative, regulatory and enforcement bureaucracies at the heart of all supply chain problems. If you want to place the blame on rising consumer prices, there it only one place to look and it is certainly NOT the global companies that are doing their best to satisfy their customers profitably via state-owned and operated supply chain services?
Why did the CBC fail?
Surely the author of this CBC article was not so stupid as to fail to identify the role of governments in contributing to this mess, correct? There is only one reason to explain why the elephant in the room was not identified and discussed. You guessed it - all CBC journalists are owned, operated and controlled ‘lock, stock and barrel’ by the federal government.😡