The CIRious War is PSYOPS
China, Iran and Russia (C-I-R) have been trying to destroy America from within for decades. While it’s infinitely costly to America, these C-I-R partners are winning the Psyops war inexpensively .
A smart, patient plan
A head-to-head war against the USA by either Russia or Iran is a losing proposition; by China, its outcome is less certain.
Watch this interview from 1984 features Yuri Bezmanov, a high ranking KGB defector. He confidently explained why communism will come to America over a few generations. It was a chilling prediction much of which has since come true.
China, Iran and Russia (C-I-R) are colluding in a joint partnership to destroy America from within using mind control ‘best practices” and increasingly effective propaganda. This strategy it’s working brilliantly.
Purposeful distractions.
Military deception has been a strategy in war for eons.
Are the Russia-Ukraine and the Israel-Gaza wars expensive distractions? They are obviously costly in dollars, lives and liberties. As such, they draw all attention away from the foreign propaganda wars that subtly bedevil the USA and its NATO allies.
We have all heard about Canadian and American governments sending $billions and dirigibles of political hot air to support the war efforts of Israel and Ukraine. We also hear occasionally about efforts by foreign governments to infiltrate and influence big events like our elections. How often, however, do we hear about the 7x25x365 ground game of mind control that has invaded our culture and economic behaviours.
Direct your attention to the more C-I-Rious war.
Know that Iran has become one of the world’s most accomplished agents of mind control via propaganda.
Know that China and Russia have produced the technological capability to invade the cultures and power establishments of their common enemies.
Know that we are playing into the C-I-R strategy by our mindless use of smart phones and social media.
This is a lengthy interview between Dr. Jordan Peterson and a longtime friend and colleague Gregg Hurwitz.
As I listened to this episode, it occurred to me that this the C-I-R is executing brilliant PSYOPS strategy, one that is nearly indefensible by their enemies. Why?
Psychological warfare can be waged from small “farms” of experts with only the costs of the talent and tools to create destructive weapons of “mind control”. Compare this to the costs of the American military industrial complex and the USD billions in military aid sent to Israel and Ukraine in recent years.
PSYOPS are hard to prove. Consequently, they have been wrapped extensively in conspiracy theories so that few people will believe it exists in America much less believe effective.
Computer, digital and communications technologies are continuing to improve making this approach the best long term strategy to bring down America while it spends enormous resources on traditional warfare. What could America, Britain and Canada (A-B-C) accomplish if their defence strategy and investments were to focus more on defeating the C-I-R psychological warfare threat?
America loves its guns and its past war heroes. It freely allows its children to use the primary instruments of mind control - smart phones. Guns in the wrong hands can be deadly. Smart phones in the hands of the naive and innocent can be equally dangerous.
Perspective on a warring nation - the USA.
BING Copilot offers this information to help us understand the commitment of the U.S.A. war, death and destruction. It’s worth considering that the majority of Americans who are NOT employed in the “war machine” would likely prefer peace.
The military-industrial complex (MIC) refers to the relationship between a country’s military and the defense industry that supplies it with weapons, equipment, and services. This term was popularized by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his 1961 farewell address, where he warned about the potential for the MIC to exert undue influence over national policy12.
The MIC is a vast network involving government agencies, defense contractors, and political entities that work together to promote and sustain military spending and arms production2. This system is not unique to the United States; similar arrangements exist in other countries as well3.
In terms of size, the MIC is enormous. For example, in the United States, the defense industrial base includes nearly 60,000 companies employing approximately 1.1 million individuals4. The U.S. defense budget for 2024 is proposed to be around $886 billion, which is more than half of the federal discretionary budget5. Major defense contractors like Lockheed Martin receive billions in contracts annually, highlighting the significant economic impact of the MIC5.
Time well spent
The conversation between Jordan and Gregg will likely be heard by only a very small portion of the public, unfortunately. However, for anyone who chooses to listen, it raises many aspects of today’s messed up world and suggests some things we can each do to defeat the propaganda wars without the need to handle a gun.
Great Work, Gene.
made a comment on your substacking just now thinking it was Cynthia Chung's. . . Had two pages open at the same time. Sorry for the confusion. . . enjoyed you interview with Tish and I look forward to chatting, David
As a Master of the Art of the Power of Suggestion (Hypnotist) for the past fifty-two years, I can say this:
All the water in the ocean cannot sink a ship unless it gets inside.
If the ship is prepared it will always survive.
Removing the moral compass guide (the Ten Commandments) was the first major victory of our enemies in this mind-war.
If you remove the first three commandments that denote a deity and only teach the rest, i.e.). Honour thy mother and father. (Respect) on through to Thall shall not kil, and Thou shall not commit adultery or covet, steal, lie etc. and these are taught to children, the world would be at peace. Having a sense of answering for your intentional transgressions helped keep many in line until they mature enough to know for themselves what is right and wrong. The results of where we are today in this country and world speak for themselves.