The seen and the unseen.
Humans navigate a life making choices in response to circumstances encountered along the way. Some choices involve dealing with the material world and others the non-material aspects of existence.
The seen and the unseen
I was raised in a Roman Catholic family and attended RC schools including a Jesuit private boys school. Everything I know today about the Church’s teachings I learned during those childhood years.
I possess a mind and five senses.
This is the standard equipment we are all provided by our Creator to experience life. The “physical world” is the seen part of our life experience known through touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight. Science is still uncertain about where the mind resides. Some believe the human brain is its home and others have other metaphysical theories.
The Bible teaches lessons about the “metaphysical universe”. Besides the physical book itself, it tells non-physical stories about characters who lived long ago and other characters that never existed in the “physical world”. They comprise unseen elements of our existence that we can only acknowledge with our mind, choice and faith.
The unseen characters include:
God the Father is Creator of Heaven and Earth. Notice that Heaven is unseen and “knowable” with your mind while Earth is the seen and knowable with your five senses. Other unseen characters include Moses, the Apostles and many other biblical characters who may have been physical in the distant past but now exist in stories knowable by mind.
The Father also created His only Son, Jesus Christ, who was both seen (the man) and unseen (the divine spirit). Notice also that every human being also has seen (body) and unseen (mind) parts.
In addition, the Father created the Holy Spirit and Heaven, Satan and Hell, the angels and arch-angels, Purgatory, and other unseen characters and places. The Bible is our physical evidence (seen) of these, and since the Bible is considered The Word of God (unseen), no court in a Judeo-Christian society would dare challenge it as evidence.
Let’s summarize.
Five senses provide evidence that the material world exists as the seen aspect of our existence.
The Bible provides evidence that the unseen aspect of our existence.
The former is impossible to ignore. The latter is a matter of choice and faith.
We humans certainly have a complicated road to travel through life, don’t we?
Yes faith is a choice just like love, hope, joy, peace etc...