1 Comment
Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Gene, before I comment I want say there are curious parallels between our backgrounds. I won’t elaborate why in public but I just wanted you to know.

Using my education, analytical background and work experience, I assert that Biden NEVER got a real “vax”. He like Trudeau, ALMOST CERTAINLY received placebos. I knew of the “outbreak” in China by the 1st week in January 2020. I then noted other reports, some of them like the bogus one from the German Doktor Christian Drosten about asymptomatic COVID spreaders. I also obtained and read the preprint research paper published by Indian molecular biologists that proved the virus was man-made in China. Subsequent to that I read the first descriptions of the COVID “VAX”, and will assert that NO LEGITIMATE immunologist who also understands COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 should fail to realize the “vax” isn’t a vaccine and that it was and is clearly designed to kill people. There was also a report from Spain, early in 2021, that the mRNA vax was being disseminated in different batches, with different formulations that resulted in lack of or very different degrees of side effects, including death. There was also the Pfizer animal test results leaked to Canada by an official in Japan that clearly showed the vax spread throughout the body from the injection site and specifically targeted reproduction organs of both sexes. Pfizer and Moderna were purposely dispensing placebo and experimental batches, amongst the deadly ones.

I think you should know and accept that, the following were and are NOT COINCIDENCES:

- appearance of COVID in 2019 when the US were exposed to have been developing it for decades

- that we now know they have also been working on mRNA vax years before COVID

- deadly mRNA COVID vax, diabolically designed to deliver multifaceted, multi-levels of toxicity

- DEMS/Biden stealing the 2020 elections using COVID to undermine voting security

- Club of Rome concluding in 1968 that they need to manufacture a worldwide crisis, like a pandemic, to force sovereign nation states to accept UN 1-world authority. Employ and repeatedly deploy this tactic: manufacture a crisis in order to coerce the Public to submit to new powers, loss of freedoms, whilst blaming the victims for the crisis (gaslighting), sell poisonous solutions (vax) to victims to make money and cause yet more harm to further weaken victims

- repeatedly fear-mongering climate WARMING hoax, and when the climate actually cooled, changed the narrative to climate CHANGE. Another ploy to brow beat the Public to accept being herded to accept eventually being culled.

- Club of Rome and Volkswagen sponsoring the book by Dennis Meadows et al, “Limits to Growth” to justify a worldwide cull. Thomas Malthus.

- WEF Agenda 2020, Agenda 2030, EVENT 201 Pandemic exercise

- purposely tell the Public what will happen before they actually make it happen - preconditioning the Public to accept insane events, disasters and catastrophic deaths so people no longer react to them

- Bill Gates, the college dropout pushing vaccines that for years, maimed and killed in India and Africa, repeatedly asserting that the world population needs to be culled by 95%

- forced organ harvesting in China. WEF professing “China is our model”

- irrational pandemic response to lock down the healthy, destroy their livelihoods and economy, not quarantine and treat the infected instead

- use lockdowns to target and destroy self-employed and small businesses in order to eventually have everyone work for the government and their oligarchs… effectively to create a fascist state

- buffoonish logic that vaccines can’t protect the vaxxed from the unvaxxed but the vax is also highly effective and safe

- that the vax is more effective than natural immunity

- random decree for 6-feet of distance between people, # of people allowed to congregate

- divisive and falling-down stupidity of wearing toxic and dirty masks, multiple mask wearing, allowed to not wear them when eating

- deliberate exposure of nursing home patients to COVID patients to pad the death tolls,

- deliberate murdering of COVID patients deliberately given massive overdoses of HCQ during the wrong phases of their COVID pathology so as to block the acceptance of highly effective HCQ which was completely effective outside North America

- blocking of Ivermectin as a horse dewormer

- deliberate push to poison critical defence personnel, police and medical personnel with the vax

- deliberate and unjustified vax poisoning and killing of children who don’t die from COVID

- purposely destroying the futures of young people so they can’t find work, afford a home, have families or children. Instead give them UBI, free drugs and virtual reality. Great organ harvesting pool

- cause gender dysfunction, dysphoria and population collapse

- remove parental authority over children and replace with government institutional “parents” so children grow up following the 1-world state, not parents. Destroy family ties.

- setting up Ukraine for a Russian invasion to divert public funds and attention

- encouraging overseas CCP police stations to cow CCP opposition, accept presence of menacing enemy authorities and agents operating in local communities, pre-condition, prepare us for Chinese CCP rule.

- false media reporting on COVID so as to fear-monger the gullible Public, remove source of information to keep Public ignorant until it’s too late

- to patent natural resources (plants, animals, water and air) in order to control and charge anyone a fee, anywhere to use what was once free (WEF Dailian Summit, 2024)

I could go on but any good investigator would tell you this deluge of Dystopian events cannot be coincidences and aside from sheer stupidity or clumsiness, there is NO LOGICAL REASON why Biden would be given deadly dose(s) from toxic batches of the vax.

BTW, if you read “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, you will find many similarities to what has been happening to western democracies… read up on who the Khazars were. Also make sure you watch the Yuri Bezmenov videos on KGB subversion. You may also want to know what Putin told the Israeli press about who started the Russian Revolution years ago, on a state visit he made to Israel. Again, I can go on and on but in the end it’s up to you to go down the rabbit hole for yourself.

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