DIVEST THESE ANTI-CANADIANS FROM EVERY POLITICAL POSITION. They should NEVER have been permitted to stand for election. While you’re at it SEPARATE QUEBEC from its Transfer Payments. Multiculturalism is a dangerous FICTION. The End.

Why do Canadians believe the rest of us ought to pay for their dental care, or their child care or their elective surgeries? This is the immature thinking of your Canadian Communist.

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You say in your article above "End the BQ" , to which I reply "End the BS". I am so sick and tired of these puppets and the political clown show grew old a long time ago. I am truly appalled at all that is going on and yet so many are blind to it. We are practically in WW3 - Link here : https://michelchossudovsky.substack.com/p/nato-invasion-nuclear-russia-underway-wwiii-putin-reached-limit

and most have no idea because of all the daily theatrics on the TV---everyone tunes in for their daily doses of the political game clown show. I am worried for future generations of humanity.

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