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In reality the fault of the Canadian people is apathy. We are facing a global takeover by 176 Governments/300+ Corporate partners and All of the Global Acronyms.

The plan: Agenda 21 details how “One World Order” is being implemented.

Beginning in 1970, Prof. Klaus Schwab created the World Economic Forum & created the “Davos” manifesto in 1973 (recently updated to complete BS.) In 1990 Agenda 21 was adopted by the UN “officially” since then and starting with the Persian Gulf War the One World Order has been infiltrating and manipulating nations & corporations worldwide.

Today, the One World Order is in the final stages of their planned coup. In North America it’s currently engaged in the “disrupt society” portion of “How to turn a democracy into a totalitarian regime”.

The One World order spent 30 years hiding in the background, they are no longer hiding. Starting with the Covid 19 pandemic which began in October 19th 2019. I just happened to find and read an article by a Young Chinese Scientist who worked on Covid 19, advising it was created off of SARS Cov2 and was released “on purpose” his article and himself disappeared 2 days later replaced with the “bat girls” explanation of the virus coming from bats.

That was when I received a copy of the original One World Order agenda. It made my blood run cold when I read it. Agenda 21 is a road map for the implementation of a Global Fascist Regime (yes, Big Brother circa Orwell’s 1984).

Any reasonable person on this planet can look back to the Persian Gulf War and start following the money. It all leads to Davos Switzerand. What they have planned is diabolical and includes the elimination of 1/2 of the 99%. Gaza is just the first mass genocide.

Pfizer, Agenda 21 loyal, injected micro (nano) processors with their vaccine (I have official research papers on this) these ‘nano’ processors can send and receive data on a brand new Nanonetwork they also created. My guess it will be to control & eliminate. Anyone who received the Pfizer vaccine (me included) could be carrying one of these processors. The papers didn’t indicate any other Pharma Corp but Pfizer doing this and they are all on the same team so as one does so do the others?

We missed it all, the elites gave us the internet and smart phones to keep us occupied while they carried out their dirty deeds under the radar.

All of the Canadian leadership is loyal to Agenda 21. Trudeau, Pollievre, Singh & Steele are WEF Young Global Leaders grads. Klaus Schwabs infiltration machine.

Freeland our Deputy Prime Minister AND Finance Minister is related to Schwab and works on the Board of Trustee’s for the WEF which is a corporation which means every single minute she has spent in Government she has been a traitor. If any Canadian wants to do anything about what’s coming, arrest her, she is the one running the show in Canada.

Myself, I have spent the past 4 yrs on Socials trying to raise awareness, the “sheeple” are so heavily brainwashed they can’t see beyond social media. All media corps are loyal to Agenda 21, all of them have been using subliminal messaging all this time. Some of the 99% are starting to wake up now, I fear it may already be too late.

As far as I can see from where we are now, we have one option left, to bring their whole pyramid scheme financial system crashing down around them BEFORE they are finished cashing out of the market and other assets. This is taking place right now. Agenda 21 calls for the collapse of all financial systems to implement their new Global bank & Currency, maybe you heard of the CBDC? The elites will crash every financial system worldwide. The system they created is based on one thing, we have to work & get paid for money to enter the “system”. A huge achilles heel they don’t think the general hairless ape population (us) is capable of figuring out, well I did and I am not alone. We unite, take care of each other through the fallout and make a PLAN!

I have been ready to push back for four years, my family & friends think I’m crazy and have disowned me yet I am still plugging away spreading the message wherever I can.

You can find me at @genx1966:matrix.org please people we must not allow this to happen.

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