Critically important to the concept of consent is knowledge of the factors at work. A component in the original Roe. V Wade is the claim that "abortion is safer than childbirth". This maxum is still circulating bit is based on cherry picked data. Roe was overturned in part as the rest of the medical data , under more conservative justices, was factored in. When ALL the complications of abortion are factored in such as increased depression and or suicide, Ectopic pregnancies, infertility, etc. Childbirth is far safer. As well, the health of subsequent children is at higher risk for death and cerebral palsy etc due to extremely premature babies. 2 induced abortions rasies the odds of premature subsequent births by 93%. All in all, using the same mechanisms that Suppressed covid vax risks and skewed actual covid risks, have been used to suppress abortion risks. More about this in my upcoming substack blog about Trump and prochoice.

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I honestly feel that this entire concept of a woman's right to choose has been inflamed by a trope of NO MAN IS GOING TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH MY BODY. The war of the sexes with women being convinced that every man is inherently more powerful than women are, merely by being born male. I do not agree with this, I think average people have limited power regardless of gender. But belief in the concept angers women, and brings in a militancy to the debate. This anger seems to stop women from looking at the truth of abortion, the risks to them and the brutality of the procedure upon the unborn baby. If we believe in INFORMED CONSENT - then surely these woman need to have ALL the facts presented to them FULLY before the procedure. To do otherwise is to infantilize woman and declare they are NOT STRONG ENOUGH to face the facts. I do not believe woman are given the whole truth before these procedures. As for men being against abortion and trying to control women, I'm thinking a good many of the men involved are only too happy their partner is GETTING RID OF the baby, letting them off the hook to have to provide for a child. As for choice, many of the abortions I have heard about, it is often the mothers of the young women coercing them, the boyfriends doing the same, husbands not liking the sex of the unborn child, pimps forcing the procedure. If all the facts are not laid out, then choice is limited. It is a terrible thing to become INCONVENIENT in this day and age. Dangerous too. I think we need to remember that we too may become INCONVENIENT at some point in OUR lives. We should not be surprised at some of the suggested (coerced) SOLUTIONS that may be presented to us in our vulnerable state.

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Very good summary of the pros and cons.

What's funny, is that I just started a post on the same subject.

Harmonic resonance , I guess ....😀

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