Jun 24Liked by Gene Balfour

Fantastic on the exercise Gene! Those Nordic Skates look awesome, I have only ever used roller skates and roller blades. On the issue of wearables that track our various functions (sleep, calories burned, steps taken, etc), I am concernedd with how that data and information is often shared or used, and who gets that information besides ourselves. Many of us don't even realize that it is shared until after we have agreed to "terms of service" for so many items (I used to have a fit bit and ditched it), and banking and other services most (myself included) have just clicked to agree, not reading the full agreement. Something to ponder further no less.

I am with you on the podcasts, as there are so many interesting things to learn and so limited time. Here is an article that might be of interest regarding the "airpods".... I used to wear them until I read a few similar articles to this one.... https://www.thepowercouple.ca/blog/do-airpods-cause-brain-cancer.... Not saying I agree or disagree with this article, but it might be worth reading. Personally, I still use the old style ear muff style headphones for indoor use...they might be a bit cumbersome while nordic skating though...lol

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Thanks for your comments. I like my Shoks headset better that the Beats pods I used previously because they are unobtrusive and don’r interfere with my helmet and its straps. It works by bone conduction and no part of it enters my ears.

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If you were vaccinated against Covid 19 it’s very likely you were stuck with vaccine that carries Micro (nano) Processors.

These graphene based ‘nano’ processors can send and receive data. A new cellular network protocol for 5g was also created for our little nano friends to transmit & receive on.

The strange blood clots and cardiac deaths are being caused by the graphene (a man made carbon based material) for the people whose bodies reject the graphene, red blood cells pile up in clumps or chains around the nano. They knew this of course but the conclusion in the research papers I have on this, was that the benefit (not specified) of the nanos out weighed the deaths caused by them. My guess, the plan is biological control of the 99% or a kill switch. Agenda 21 stipulates that Earth can’t be sustainable with more than 4 Billion humans. That would mean killing off about 1/2 of us.

Climate crisis, overpopulation, lack of sustainability are all manufactured fear tactics. The climate “crisis” man made using cloud-seeding (weather modification) to mimic droughts, floods, tornados, hurricanes etc.

The Overpopulation angle is also BS, it’s really easy to convince the majority living in cities that Earth is overpopulated but we make up 0.2 people per square kilometre of land. How is that over populated and unsustainable? Again another lie. Right now in this world there is plenty for everyone, if food was harvested sustainably and shared worldwide. The world’s food waste alone could feed 2 Billion people. 2 BILLION can eat from the amount that is discarded. We are talking edible not spoiled or damaged in anyway! That is disgusting. 783 Million on Earth are starving and we could easily feed 2 billion from what we toss out. And we, the taxpaying labourers, are the problem? Sure.

The Elites have been creating this situation since 1990, originally to convince the rest of us that we are in imminent danger of ‘killing the planet’. Agenda 21 blames us, the average person, for creating the greenhouse gases, polluting & poisoning the Earth. I find this amusing since ‘99%’, as far as I know, aren’t responsible for anything climate related at all. Nope the poisoning, polluting and raping of the Earth happens at the top. Remember Corporations only care about shareholder profits not what environmental damage has to occur for them to profit.

The scope of this hostile Corporate/Elite takeover is massive, Agenda 21 is their plan for One World Order. A German fascist at the helm yet again. All told the Elite side consists of 176 Govs, 300+ Corporate Partners and all the Global Acronyms (UN,WEF,WHO,IMF,ICC,NATO) all the militaries and weapons. Insurmountable odds? I don’t think we should give up just yet. When the Elites pushed the global use of GDP to measure wealth they changed the financial systems as well. Money enters the system and is counted ONLY IF WE GET PAID FOR LABOR. We could stand up anytime and crash the whole system in days just by going home, not paying bills, not buying things but food.

The Elites plan to crash everything anyways once they are finished taking their profits by selling their stocks and other assets (they are busy doing this right now). Once they have taken every single dime they can they will implement their Global Bank and Global Currency known as the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) they will NOT be taking your old money and giving you their money dollar for dollar. Wake up people, these are our final hours our only hope is to bring everything to a screeching halt as soon as possible, before they do. Let the chips fall where they may. Force them to deal with us directly not through the use of Plausible Deniability like now.

See me on Signal: BetheLightintheDarkness.01

I will be happy to provide copies. The magic word is Nanos.

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