Follow the Money and definitely beware of anyone selling anything. However, everyone has to sell to stay in business. Definitely do not trust AI as it is purely "Garbage IN: Garbage Out", and it puts emphasis on mainstream media, and promoted materials- Hence follow the money!

I would trust Dr. Mercola more than Claude from my experience with both, but I always crosscheck with a variety of references, look at the risks, side effects and cited benefits and then make up my own decisions based on the best knowledge I can find.

Say no to drugs, and try to give our bodies the most healthy natural food, exercise, sunshine, fresh air, sleep and a calm healing mental state is my best prescription.

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I find Mercola’s daily email promotions offensive. I finally unsubscribed today. He may be a smart doctor, but his marketing efforts are all designed to push products I don’t need or want. I cancelled my membership to the Tom Woods show long ago for the same reason.

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