Apr 29Liked by Gene Balfour

I would like to believe in the Stronach Foundation.... I am just having difficulty as so many other "Foundations" have been corrupted, or are paying to push their agendas on the world (ie: The B & M Gates Foundation funding the WHO), or are using them for far more nefarious purposes that may seem legit (ie: Clinton Foundation) in Haiti and the human trafficking issues going on.....I will continue to hope and watch as outcomes progress. Another great article to make us think. Thanks Gene

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It is understandable to be skeptical these days. Gates and Clinton are Americans operating in American and global political circled; Stronach is Canadian supports economic policy proposals solely for Canada. This difference is worthy of consideration.

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I have listened to Frank on 640 radio

I like his ideas. He seems like a solutions minded man. I like that he is exploring organic farming practices. I do not know what happened here with the greenhouses, I was hopeful for some local produce, but they sit empty. I know he was able to keep his business union free.....that is impressive. He believes in company shares with employees. He has an eclectic interest and is a smart man. I am looking forward to hearing more. Thanks Gene.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

Another mad max in the making. The name of the group says it all. I don’t think Frank has any skin in the game. I have heard his businesses have been taken over and now an ideal mind is a devil’s workshop. Also, one would wonder if he is interested in Austrian politics or Canadian politics depending on the weather including affiliation to political parties. Another dog and pony show. Having said that we are entitled to try to make things better.

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Frank is in his early 90s. I met him on April 10 at one of his events to promote his foundation.

No Mad Max lookalike here.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

I was referring to using his own name for the cause. I have huge respect for Frank as a capitalist but it’s odd that he has developed a concern in his early 90s for the betterment of Canadian society and not during his prime age and owning his business empire. Doesn’t he own a cattle ranch in USA instead of Canada that he bought after taking the back seat? I wonder why. Anyway, what ever rocks a person’s boat. Frank can fool others but not me.

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