Gene, in my humble opinion that is the best, easy to read comprehensive article on this topic you have written ! Well done.

It will be interesting to see how Ptbo and CKL councils respond to this information. Anything less than what you have suggested will make either of these councils complicit with the WEF / federal Liberal agenda.

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I thought you may be interested in scientific evidence that shows there is no climate emergency , and that/because greenhouse gas emissions have very little influence on the global climate/ the obsession with emissions reduction is a great effort to solve a non existent problem.

I offer for your consideration the following two presentations that you may be willing to spend a little time on:


FIRST: I would like to offer rock solid scientific evidence that atmospheric carbon dioxide does not drive the global climate.

Do take the time to watch William Happer's 37 minute lecture that explains why atmospheric carbon has little effect on the global climate at:


Emeritus Professor Will Happer - Climate, CH4, N2O and CO2¬ the good news for Agriculture

A Zoom presentation delivered onJune 23, 2021


--basic physics shows that Increasing levels of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane will have negligible effects on the global climate/ and will not cause the popularly feared "climate emergency"

--elevated carbon dioxide increases photosynthesis/agricultural and forest productivity

--rational people need to push back against climate fanaticism against energy production from fossil fuel and agricultural practice which is not based on science at all.



I can envision a time in the future when.... in order to maintain plant productivity as marine organisms are rapidly removing CO2 from the atmosphere to build protective shells--- we will want to burn fossil fuels (and after fossil fuels are exhausted heat limestone with electricity from fission or fusion to release carbon dioxide) to at least maintain the atmospheric CO2 levels that are necessary for plant growth.

I hope you have time to watch Patrick Moore's considerably longer video presentation.

While increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide concentrations have had little effect on the global climate.... this increase has benefited life on Earth by increasing net primary productivity of the photosynthesizing plants upon which all life depends.

Dr. Patrick Moore-- Carbon and Climate Catastrophe - YouTube

Dr. Patrick Moore-- Carbon and Climate Catastrophe

Carbon and Climate Catastrophe Dr. Patrick Moore-- Co-Founder and former President of Greenpeace, Director of the CO2 Coalition, Senior Fellow of The Heartland Institute, and author of "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and THreats of Doom" The Dinner Keynote Address at The Steamboat Institute Energy and Climate Summit, The Nexus of U.S. Energy ...



Peter Salonius

177 Church Avenue

Sussex, New Brunswick


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Also, some very interesting information regarding "climate change" hoax stuff in this Substack


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Well done! I hope there is a video of this presentation afterward. So many great comments and questions. Let us all pray and manifest the vision of a positive outcome. Many thanks Gene!

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An excellent presentation. I wish and hope that it can change the direction of our government.

In my experience, to the hive-minded, logic and scientific facts mean nothing, unless they say it does.

Their minds are made up and will not be confused by any new science that conflicts with their current mindset.

There is one thing that they do understand very well though. The vote.

Do they have the council votes to carry the day?

If so, I don't expect any change in their direction.

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