Sep 2Liked by Gene Balfour

Does not the Statement of Principles cover the lack of ethics, morals, values, honesty, integrity and self-discipline?

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Those 6 media companies have become way too powerful and political. There is a docufilm all about it linked here. https://rumble.com/v2mwvyg-monopoly-who-owns-the-world-tim-gielen.html for those who wish to research further. The problem lies in people believing all the hype and rhetoric they watch on TV instead of doing their own research. I never knew I was a LIbertarian until you explained what that was, and I totally believe in less of Big G. I would love to be able to vote on all the policies and in this day of tech and smart phones we should very easily be able to do this, and or at least have referendums on major issues. They don't want us to have such power as they know there would be revolts and that would be too fair and make too much sense. I have come to believe that the majority of our officials - Senators, MP's and even the puppet head PM have all been captured by foreign entities who are unelected but who have money and power to control (think of the Open Society - Soros organization to name one). Too many bad decisions have been made by top officials for our country in the past 9 years at least and the overblown budget that future generations will be paying is absolutely disgusting. Even when S Harper was our PM and signed us on to the Paris Accord. I believe the elections are also selections and that is a whole other matter. These people we see in the public eye are being controlled by puppeteers who are very high up the hierarchy (think black Nobility families and BIS), this is what my research has shown me over the past few years. Link to a 12 minute video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhMB-hAczVY

Anyway, I applaud you once again Gene for bringing such important issues to your Substack.

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